Singing Guide: Julien Doré

Singing Guide: Julien Doré

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Understanding Julien Doré's Vocal Technique

Julien Doré's singing style involves a mix of techniques that create a distinct and dreamy sound. Here are some of the key aspects of his vocal technique:

Breathy Falsetto

Julien often uses his breathy and airy falsetto to create an ethereal and dreamlike quality in his singing. This requires proper breath support and control, allowing him to sustain the delicate and floating sound of his falsetto.

Chest Voice

While Julien is known for his falsetto, he also uses his chest voice to create a rich and powerful sound in his lower range. By incorporating his chest voice into his singing, he is able to create a contrast between his delicate falsetto and his powerful chest voice, showcasing the dynamic range of his voice.


Julien also uses vibrato throughout his singing to add warmth and texture to his tone. Vibrato is a rapid and slight variation in pitch that creates a trembling effect, adding emotional depth to the singing.


Julien's singing is characterized by a subtle and smooth rhythm that emphasizes the dreamy quality of his voice. His rhythmic sense adds to the atmospheric and laid-back vibe of his music.

Developing Your Voice like Julien Doré

To develop your voice like Julien Doré, you can focus on the following:

Breathing and Breath Support

Proper breathing and breath support are crucial for executing Julien's breathy falsetto and powerful chest voice. Check out Singing Carrot's breath support article and breathing basics video for helpful tips and exercises.

Chest Voice and Falsetto

To achieve a contrast between your powerful chest voice and delicate falsetto, practice switching between these registers. Singing Carrots has an informative article on voice registers and a singing comfort zone video that will help guide you.


To incorporate vibrato into your singing, you can practice exercises such as Singing Carrot's vibrato exercise that develop control over your voice.

Song Interpretation

To capture Julien Doré's dreamy and atmospheric vibe, pay close attention to the rhythm of his singing in specific songs like "Nous" and "Le lac". Slow the song down and listen for the nuances in his pacing, inflection, and rhythm. Singing Carrots's article on artistic singing also provides insight in song delivery.

Vocal Range

Lastly, to find songs that match your vocal range and style, Singing Carrots provides a vocal range test and a song search tool that allows you to filter songs by difficulty, genre, and vocal range.

By focusing on these aspects of Julien Doré's singing technique and utilizing relevant Singing Carrot's resources, you can develop your own unique and dreamy voice like him.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.